Parents of Rancho Santa Margarita!

Welcome to Fairyland Academy, a home daycare and a Kindergarten readiness program nestled in the heart of the close-knit community of Rancho Santa Margarita near the lake. We have a warm, safe, and enriching environment where children can explore, learn, and grow. With a dedicated team of experienced caregivers and educators, we are committed to providing top-quality care and education.

It is more than just a place for children to spend their day; it's a vibrant community where friendships are formed, imaginations run wild, and curiosity is celebrated. We offer a wide range of stimulating activities and age-appropriate educational experiences designed to foster creativity, develop essential skills, and ignite a lifelong love for learning.

Contact us

About Me

I'm Sam, and I'm delighted to open the doors of my home to you and your little ones. I'm a mom of two plus all the kids in my academy. As a mom and a passionate childcare provider, I understand the importance of creating a nurturing and enriching environment where every child can thrive.

With 15 years of experience in early childhood education and a genuine love for working with children, I am committed to providing a safe, loving, and stimulating space where every child feels valued and supported. We offer a cozy and inviting atmosphere where children can learn, play, and grow together as part of a small, close-knit family, and  family is everything to me.

Our Team

Qualified Professionals


Head Teacher

With years of experience in early childhood education, I am dedicated to building strong partnerships with families, recognizing that collaboration between home and school is essential in creating a holistic and enriching experience for our children.



Bringing a deep passion for nurturing young minds and creating a supportive environment where every child feels valued and empowered, I believe that each child is unique and deserving of individualized care and attention.

Contact Us

Get in Touch

Schedule a Tour

The first step in choosing the right care for your needs to is visit the facility. Let's have a chat, see the facility and answer all your questions.

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